Thursday, September 17, 2009
Artista brasileiro abre exposição nesta sexta-feira 18
Foto divulgação: Toboaguas, 2007, Oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm
O artista plástico Thiago Bortolozzo abre nesta sexta-feira sua mostra "Transition Zone".
Thiago também está participando de uma exposição em conjunto com outros artistas na Embaixada Brasileira.
O convite oficial para a mostra que começa amanhã segue abaixo em alemão e inglês:
"Thiago Bortolozzo | Transition Zone
Opening: September 18, 6pm – 9pm
Exhibition dates: September 18 – November 14, 2009
Toboaguas, 2007, Oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm
Please scroll down for English version and gallery news
Wir freuen uns sehr, Sie zur ersten Einzelausstellung des in Berlin lebenden Brasilianischen Künstlers Tago Bortolozzo bei magnus müller einladen zu können. Bortolozzo wird eine ortspezifische Installation aus Holz im Innen- und Außenraum der Galerie sowie eine Serie neuer architektonischer Malereien präsentieren. Die Ausstellung wird freundlicher Weise von der Brasilianischen Botschaft in Berlin unterstützt.
Die Arbeiten von Thiago Bortolozo spielen mit der Architektur, Plastik, Installation und Malerei der zeitgenössischen Gesellschaft. In seinen plastischen Experimenten erweitert er die Architektur des Ausstellungsortes und löst somit einen Reibungsprozess mit dem institutionellen Raum aus. In seinen frühen Arbeiten schuf der Künstler mit billigen Baumaterialien prekäre Strukturen. Dadurch brach er mit der Sterilität des „white cube“ der Galerie und deckte die konstruktiven Verfahren, die die Architektur verstecken wollte, auf. Gewissermaßen stellte er das Skelett des Baus aus, als ob er den Körper des Gebäudes umkehren wollte. Anstatt der Autonomie und der Reinheit der Formen zeigten seine Arbeiten eine gewisse Fragilität, die an die Instabilität der Bauten von Palafiten und der Favelas (Elendsviertelhäuser) erinnerte.
In einem anderen Arbeitszyklus untersucht er institutionelle Räume nicht nur auf ihre architektonischen Eigenschaften hin, sondern als Ort zur Legitimation von Kunst überhaupt. Das Museum und die Galerie werden als Orte für Entertainment verstanden. Der Künstler nutzt den Raum absichtlich, um Unterhaltung für sein Publikum anzubieten. Skatepisten, Rampen und Autoscooter sind als Kunst ausgestellt und bringen den Spielpark in die Ausstellungsinstitution. In einer Zeit, in der die Grenze zwischen Popularität und Kult, Kunst und Entertainment, öffentlichem und privatem Raum verwischt sind, fordert Bortolozzos Arbeit eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Dynamik.
In der Ausstellung der Galerie magnus müller in Berlin zeigt der Künstler Malerei und Installation nebeneinander, um diese Grenzen der Medien noch gezielter in Frage zu stellen. Die Bilder von bunten Wasserrutschen sind an im Internet gefundene Fotos von Wasserparks angelehnt und zeigen verlassene und konstruktive Strukturen, die vordergründig ihre ursprüngliche Funktion verloren haben. Niemand rutscht hier. Ihre skulpturalen Formen sehen wie sinnlose und verlassene Monster aus, wie bloße, gebaute Künstlichkeit für die menschliche Unterhaltung. Die hyperrealistische Technik dieser Bilder verstärkt die Sensation von Verfremdung und macht den Betrachter Fotografie sehen, was aber in der Tat Malerei ist.
Bortolozzos ausgestellte Bilder finden in der Konstruktion eines Decks, welches sich vom Freien bis in den Innenraum der Galerie erstreckt, ihre Erweiterung. Von Außen betrachtet wird die vermeintliche Spiegelung der Skulptur im Schaufenster der Galerie durch eine mit Wasser befüllte Vertiefung, einem Pool im Innenraum, gebrochen. Mit Humor hebt der Künstler die ursprüngliche Formalität der Galerie auf und bietet dem Besucher eine echte Gelegenheit zur Unterhaltung. Allerdings kann der Galeriebesucher nicht durch die gemalten Wasserbahnen rutschen, er muss die Grenzen der sozialen Konventionen überwinden und sich trauen in das Wasserbecken einzutauchen.
Der Künstler fordert den Betrachter sich jenseits der oberflächlichen Einschränkungen zu bewegen und so die existierenden Spannungen in den flüssigen Zwischenräumen der zeitgenössischen Gesellschaft wahrzunehmen. (Dr. Hugo Fortes)
Thiago Bortolozzo wurde 1976 in Campinas, Brasilien, geboren und lebt seit 2008 in Berlin. Er studierte an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Sao Paulo. Transition Zone bei magnus müller ist seine erste Einzelausstellung in Deutschland. 2008 baute er das Bühnenbild für das von Frank Castorf inszenierte Theaterstück Die Maßnahme in der Berliner Volksbühne. 2004 war er auf der Biennale von Sao Paulo vertreten. Parallel zu Transition Zone wird der Künstler in einer Gruppenausstellung in der Brasilianischen Botschaft zu sehen sein.
Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte Sönke Magnus Müller oder Constanze Korb in der Galerie.
magnus müller
Weydinger Straße 10/12
D-10178 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-390320-4
Wenn Sie keine weiteren Informationen wünschen, schreiben Sie bitte an mit dem Betreff “unsubscribe”.
English Version
We are very glad to invite you to the first one-man show in Berlin of Brazilian artist Thiago Bortolozzo. Bortolozzo will present a site-specific installation
of wood in the interior and exterior of the gallery and a series of new architectural paintings. Transition Zone is kindly supported by the Brazilian Embassy in Berlin.
The work of Thiago Bortolozo plays with the architecture, sculpture, installation and painting of the contemporary society. In his artistical experiments, he expands the sculptural architecture of the exhibition site and therefore triggers a friction with the institutional space. With his early works, the artist produced precarious structures with cheap materials. Doing this, he broke with the sterility of the white cube of the gallery and revealed the constructive procedures that would hide the architecture. To some extent, he exhibited the skeleton of the building, as if the wished to invert the body of the building. Instead of autonomy and purity of the forms, his works showed a certain fragility, which recalled the instability of “Palafiten” and “favelas” (shanty houses).
In another work cycle, he examines institutional spaces not only to its architectural properties, but as a place of legitimation of art in general. The museum and the gallery are understood as places for entertainment. The artist uses the space intentionally to offer entertainment for its audience.
Skate slopes, ramps and bumper cars are on display as art and bring the play park in the exhibition institution. At a time in which the line between popularity and cult, art and entertainment, public and private space is blurred, Bortolozzo’s work asks for a critical examination of this dynamics.
In the exhibition at magnus müller, the artist presents painting and installation one besides the other in order to question the limits of media even more purposefully. The images of colorful water slides are based on internet photos of water parks , and show constructive and abandoned structures that
have seemingly lost their original function. Nobody here is slipping. Their sculptural forms seem senseless and abandoned monsters, mere artifice, built for the human conversation. The hyper-realistic technique of these images reinforces the sensation of alienation and makes the viewers seeing photography, what is in fact painting.
Bortolozzo’s pictures are extended to the construction of a deck, which stretches from the outside into the interior of the gallery. From the outside, the apparent reflection of the sculpture in the window of the gallery is broken by a basin filled with water, a swimming pool in the interior. With humor, the artist abolishes the original formality of the gallery and offers the visitor a real opportunity to entertainment. However, the gallery visitor cannot slip the painted water slide paths, he has to overcome the limitations of social conventions and be confident to plunge into the basin. The artist invites the viewer to move beyond the superficial limitations of existence and to perceive the tensions in the fluid spaces of the contemporary society. (Dr. Hugo Fortes)
Thiago Bortolozzo was born in 1976 in Campinas, Brazil, and has been living in Berlin since 2008. He studied at the Academy of Visual Arts in Sao Paulo. Transition Zone at magnus muller is his first solo exhibition in Germany. In 2008, he built the set for the play “Die Maßnahme” staged by Frank Castorf in the Volksbühne in Berlin. In 2004, he was represented at the Biennial of Sao Paulo. Parallel to Transition Zone, the artist will participate in a group show at the Brasilian Embassy in Berlin.
For further information, please contact Sonke Magnus Muller or Constanze Korb at the gallery.
magnus muller
Weydinger Straße 10/12
D-10178 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-390320-4
If you would prefer to not receive our newsletter, please send an email to with the subject "unsubscribe".
Gallery News
Thiago Bortolozzo
Around Berlin, Convent de Sant Augustí, Barcelona, opening September 3, 2009
Christoph Draeger
Upcoming solo exhibitions:
Galerie Luciano Fascati, Chur (CH), (October 23, 2009)
Union Gallery, London (November)
Upcoming group exhibitions:
Tina B. – The Prague Contemporary Art Festival (September)
After Effects, curated by Yael Rosenblut, M.A.C., Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago, Chile (Fall 2009)
Sabine Gross
Inkonstruktion IV/ Art Biesenthal, through September 27, 2009
The Artist in the (Art) Society, international group show, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal/Basel, September 4 – October 18, 2009
Dauerbrenner, Kunstverein Friedrichshafen, through September 20, 2009 (with catalogue and artist talk on September 18, 7:30 p.m.)
Ellen Harvey
The Empty Collection, Meessen de Clercq, Brussels, Belgium, opening September 11 – October 17, 2009
Beautiful Ruin (solo exhibition), Center for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland, September 7 – October 11, 2009
Markus Keibel
Creation of the German Award for Bone Marrow Donation, Ritz, Berlin, September 17, 2009
Das unmögliche Denken, Artary, Stuttgart, through September 5, 2009
Jürgen Mayer H.
IVAM - Institute of Modern Art Valencia, with Datoo and Seatable, May - November 2009
Dupli.Casa, DAM, Frankfurt a.M., September 2009
LoGlo at Biennale 2010, Design Museum, Holon / Tel Aviv, opening January 2010
Solo show, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Summer 2010
September 3, LEAF conference, Berlin
September 21, Goethe-Institute, Prague
October 15-17, Conference, IIT, Chicago
November 6, Megaron, Athens
November 17, Stand der Dinge, Conference, Swiss Re, Zurich
December 2nd, Columbia University, New York
Red dot award for LEVEL GREEN - the idea of sustainability, Autostadt, Wolfsburg
The International Architecture Award, Atheneum Chicago, for Dupli.Casa, Villa near Stuttgart
Piotr Nathan
Working grant, Gunnar Gunnarsson’ s house, Skriduklaustur, Island
Jenny Rosemeyer
Veto, Haus der Photographie - Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, September 3 – November 15, 2009
Access All Areas, Max Hetzler, Berlin, September 24 - November 07, 2009
Alex Schweder
A Sac of Rooms All Day Long, SFMoMA, through November 8, 2009
Murmurs, Cranbrook Museum of Art, Detroit, opening October 3, 2009
Architectural Alterations through Geological Performances, Locker Plant, Marfa TX, opening October 8, 2009
Variations of light with no object, Ice plant, Marfa Texas, opening October 8, 2009
Chinati Foundation, Artist in Residence, Marfa, TX, 2009"
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Brasileiros no mundo: encontro em Berlim dia 19
O movimento intitulado "Brasileiros no mundo" está ganhando força este ano e em Berlim, terá o seu primeiro Seminário no próximo dia 19, sábado, na Embaixada Brasileira
Intitulado de "Seminário preparatório para a II Conferência “Brasileiros no Mundo”, vai reunir cidadãos que vem discutindo nos últimos meses propostas nas áreas de saúde, educação, cultura e outros.
Brasileiros no mundo todo estão preparando suas "cartas de propostas" para mostrá-las ao governo brasileiro e conterrâneos que residem em outros países no próximo mês.
Como várias outras entidades e integrantes da comunidade local, a Livraria enviou recentemente este convite:
"Você é brasileiro no exterior? Então participe!
Seminário preparatório para a II Conferência “Brasileiros no Mundo”
De 14 a 16 de outubro se realizará a II Conferência „Brasileiros no Mundo“ no Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo desse encontro é debater temas do interesse dos imigrantes brasileiros. Em Berlim, foram elaboradas propostas a serem apresentadas naquela Conferência. Você pode fazer parte desse processo.
Venha discutir essas propostas e contribuir com a formulação da Carta de Berlim. Essa é mais uma oportunidade de exercitar a sua cidadania.
Sinta-se à vontade para trazer um prato doce ou salgado e compartilhar o almoço. Caso não possa trazer, existem várias opções gastronômicas perto
da Embaixada do Brasil.
Data: 19 de setembro das 10h00 às 18h00
Local: Embaixada do Brasil em Berlim, Wallstraße 57, 10179 Berlim
Entrada franca – Inscrições até o dia 16 de setembro pelo E-Mail:
Obs: o tema é amplo e provavelmente voltará a ser exposto neste espaço.
Informações sobre o Seminário de sábado:
Informações oficiais sobre o tema no Brasil:
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